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Monday, December 1, 2008

What the hell is Cyber Monday?

There's a lot of Black Friday estimates out there. The takeaway for me is people really like low priced merchandise and will kill you to get to it first.

From what I've read items under $500 move all right, specifically low priced notebooks.

I read a couple of times that Amazon is doing well because online sales were flat to up slightly on Black Friday. Amazon guided up 10-25% for the December quarter. I don't think flat to up slightly is going to help the stock price much. In fact, a number like that would send it to $30 pretty quick. It's very early to be making a call on the holidays as Black Friday is technically the beginning of the selling season.

Not to be outdone by the Black Friday headlines, online retailers have declared today "Cyber Monday". That is one lousy name. What is Cyber Monday?
Apparently it's site maintenance day for the Gap, Jcrew and Bloomingdales. They're all doing so well this holiday season they've got more important things to do with their sites than sell stuff. Nice planning, folks.

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