Microsoft put out an open letter from Steve Ballmer to Jerry Yang saying they're done trying to buy Yahoo.
Ballmer basically said Yahoo is asking for $37, they'll pay $33. He doesn't want to launch a hostile bid because Yahoo will blow up the business by outsourcing search to Google, thereby destroying Yahoo's own search business and causing all talent associated with Panama to leave.
Microsoft says they'll have to get to their goals some other way -- organically and through partnerships. Good luck. I was looking at this on Friday. They can buy AOL and from Interactive Corp (IACI) but those make Yahoo look like the belle of the ball. After a few drinks. If you happen to lose your glasses.
I'm only bothering to post this because I saw it kinda early, not because I have some value to add (though I think IACI probably trades higher Monday).
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Microsoft (MSFT) abandons takeover of Yahoo (YHOO)
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/03/2008 08:39:00 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Apple (AAPL) to buy Adobe (ADBE)?
Cringely's piece this week talks about Apple acquiring Adobe for $55.
Jobs has said Adobe flash is too shoddy to put on iPhones but he'd want to buy the company? Cringely seems to think that's posturing so he can buy flash and lock-up the internet video delivery software market. He (Cringely) has had a decent success rate picking takeovers in the technology space. Apple has 19 billion dollars sitting in the bank, not beating inflation.
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/02/2008 01:46:00 PM
NAND contract probably goes up again
Spot prices are still 10% above contract. I'd expect 1H May contract to move higher. Micron will be at the Merrill Lynch conference on May 8th and they're not bashful about discussing contract prices.
Meanwhile, retail prices still kinda stink -- in fact, they seem to be worse. I was perusing some online sites yesterday and 4gb SD cards are under $20 almost across the board. Not a lot of margin in that for a card packager like Sandisk.
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/02/2008 09:07:00 AM
Sox chop ahead?
When the SOX was 330-340, I was making a case that maybe PCs were more recession resistant than people think, that maybe tech valuations were discounting too much earnings reduction over the near-term. Now we're at 400. I've put up a chart here or there suggesting the SOX can trade to 400-410. Ok, here we are. A move to 420 puts us on the 200 day moving average. I think at 410-420 the future is much more of a coin flip.
Valuations have improved. Financial layoffs still haven't really kicked in. Hell, the unemployment rate improved last month. I'll move to a more market neutral tech posture around here by reducing long position sizes and taking up the shorts a bit. There's still room for them to move up but now there's room for them to move down too.
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/02/2008 08:38:00 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Digital River (DRIV) 1Q:2008 results
Digital River hits the number, guides FY EPS to $1.89, which is almost consensus if you back out an outlier or two who didn't get the call from the company. They clearly made outbound calls to the street to point out their dependence on interest income as 5 analysts woke up in a 3 day period and changed their models to reflect lower interest income assumptions. Coincidence?? No. They didn't want the stock to crater when they put their guidance out there.
Guidance is in-line for next quarter on rev basis with higher expenses possibly driving the eps a nickel below. The full year is in line with consensus EPS on higher revenue. (Initially I said it was in line guidance).
I like digital distribution... of almost anything. I think Amazon should buy these guys already. There's a giant addressable software market, bandwidth at the consumer and corporate level can stomach the downloads. Software is an all margin business -- except for the packaging and shipping. There's a savings split in there somewhere between content guys and Amazon. Make it so.
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/01/2008 04:14:00 PM
Photon Dynamics (PHTN) 2Q:2008 results
Q2 comes in at $45.1 mil, the high end of the 42-45 mil range they had out there. EPS come in substantially better at 23 cents a share non-gaap. They're guiding to 41-45mm for Q3 and EPS up a touch q/q. Bookings are $80mm -- so there's a lot more business to do. They're well above their break-even level and the flat panel display market is one of the few bright spots in cap equipment.
Gross margins exceeded models by quite a bit, coming in at 39.9% -- the model I'm looking at has 35%. The best kind of earnings upside.
Still like this, still thinking $15.
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/01/2008 04:03:00 PM
The Razrberry finally sees light of day
Boy Genius has pics of the Blackberry flip phone up.
This thing looks great!... 2 years ago. Back when Motorola was selling 10mm RAZRs a quarter, stories first started emerging of Research in Motion working on a flip phone to compete. This looks like the product they should have kicked out then. Took 'em long enough.
It's got a camera and that stupid Pearl keypad. I guess given a choice between this and a Pearl I'd pick this. I guess. Boygeniusreport says its due by the end of the year.
RBC is pushing the stock based on this. I'm not excited.
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/01/2008 10:51:00 AM
Rackable (RACK) insider buys
Two directors bought in the last couple of days in the open market. It's not a ton of money (80k between them) but they're both tripling down in the stock.
As I've said before, I think insider buys with cold hard cash (not option grants or exercises) are the most opinion indicative kind of transaction. Sales can be generated by so many other personal reasons that they're harder to game. Buys, though... that's a vote.
TITLE: Director
4/29/08-4/30/08 Purchase 3,500 $10.99 $38,466
OWNERSHIP: 5,063 (Direct)
TITLE: Director
4/30/08 Purchase 4,000 $11.18 $44,708
OWNERSHIP: 5,954 (Direct)
Posted by
Roy Howard
5/01/2008 06:26:00 AM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Akamai (AKAM) 1Q:2008 results
Revs just shy of consensus (by 1mm), gross margins a hair better at 73.3% (street was 73.1 - 73.2). The big concern in the stock has been pressure on gross margins due to aggressive pricing by competitors. None of that this quarter, apparently. # of new customer adds a little below expectations but we're talking about 27 instead of 30.
Revenue guidance about 5mm better than the street, gross margins stable-ish going forward, guiding non-gaap EPS to the high end of the prior range.
Consumers are watching more video online. Once a week, I have to choose between Big Brother, Dancing with the Stars, Hell's Kitchen or The Biggest Loser: Couples. I hate reality TV. Please stop it. Faced with these greater evils, I pick the internet every single time. I'm not the only one.
Akamai fits into my the internet is a video delivery system dying for an outlet theory.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/30/2008 04:48:00 PM
Grand Theft Auto IV sells out on xbox at Amazon?
They're showing a delivery date of May 3 on the xbox version. It's in general availability everywhere else (Gamestop, etc). Game is getting RAVES everywhere.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/30/2008 09:36:00 AM
Fortune mag says AT&T to do $200 iPhone subsidy
This is smart stuff.
A $200 subsidy that brought the phone price to $199 would entice some. It should reduce some of the iPhone unlocked grey market. AT&T is effectively paying $200 to Apple every time an iPhone is sold -- its likely Apple is giving that up on the back-end. AT&T may also retain exclusivity on the iPhone for a longer period of time. I would hope it easily gets Apple over their goals of 10mm iPhones for the year.
It also would put the iPhone's pricing squarely on top of the price of a Blackberry, not a good development for Research In Motion. RIMM's eggs are temporarily more in the CDMA basket for the next quarter because of the Verizon and Sprint Curve rollouts, so the near-term impact isn't going to be much, but it's going to make the second half, post the June iPhone rollout, a much tougher grind for RIMM, which is probably pretty vulnerable today.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/30/2008 08:28:00 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sierra Wireless (SWIR) 1Q:2008 results
Sierra reported better revenues and guided above the street for next quarter. There's a spike in receivables though it's not at levels I would consider very troubling. It's just unusual seasonally and relative to sales so it's something to keep an eye on. Sierra Wireless (SWIR) 1Q:08 4Q:07 3Q:07 2Q:07 1Q:07 4Q:06 Revenues 141.9 135.6 111.5 107.4 85.4 68.3 Receivables 100.7 83.1 69.1 69.0 49.3 57.4 DSO 63.9 55.2 55.8 57.8 52.0 75.6 Seq change in revs 4.6% 21.6% 3.8% 25.8% 25.0% Seq change in receivables 21.2% 20.3% 0.1% 40.0% -14.1% There's 30% short interest in this name. I never advise jumping into a crowd like that without a damn good reason and this isn't one of those.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 05:56:00 PM
Flextronics (FLEX) 4Q:2008 results
Ok, I'm just not interested in their results. Here's a little sample of the Q&A for why:
Thank you very much. Congratulations, gentlemen. Quick question, on your June outlook, could you give us a little bit of breakdown about the organic? I know you recently closed some acquisitions.
You know, Jim, we -- I don't think we have that number off the top of our head as to what is acquisition related and what is organic, so I think we're going to have to get back to you and break that out. Sorry for that.
That kinda sums up my issue. The company did come back and say that $150mm of their increased guidance is acquisition related. Ok. I'm the King of Siam. I have about as much faith in that statement. I'm not saying they're liars. I just think those numbers are fungible on their side and what's acquisition growth this year becomes "organic" next. It doesn't change the long-term model which is they're roll-ups that buy unprofitable manufacturing facilities in exchange for guaranteed revenue commitments. It's a shell game and I think shareholders rarely find the ball in them.
They do touch a lot of customers I care about and they're a huge consumer of semiconductors, so I pay attention to their commentary about end markets.
They're looking to acquire notebook computer contracts. Check. Strong growth against a backdrop of a rocky tech trendline.
They're not really seeing weakness in the infrastructure or consumer markets but their exposure there is limited.
Inventories spiked decently but who knows what's from the Solectron acquisition and what's theirs -- they're not really saying.
Servers are strong despite a lousy server market. They're going to do a robust LCD TV business. Industrial is strong. Medical is strong. Automotive is "actually very, very strong." Automotive very, very strong?
King of Siam, guys. Look it up.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 05:06:00 PM
Hutchinson (HTCH) a mess
Hutchinson Technologies, a manufacturer of hard drive assemblies, misses consensus by 10%. Their commentary about the coming year is pretty lousy. Ergo: Regarding industry conditions and the company's outlook for the second half of Translation: Though hard drive units will grow 12% overall this year, we're going to shrink 15% because we're not catching any of this notebook growth the rest of the industry is. We're stuck in desktop enterprise and struggling for dear life. Hutchinson has roughly 280mm in cash and equivalents, if you call 94mm of auction rate securities equivalent. The market cap is north of $400mm. It could bleed to book at $12ish over the next year. Not that the company commentary would lead you to buy the stock or anything… but don't.
its fiscal year, Fortun said storage industry analysts continue to expect disk
drive shipments to increase approximately 12 percent in calendar year 2008,
resulting in continued growth in worldwide suspension assembly shipments.
"However, based on our estimated share positions on customers' programs and a
decline in our average selling price in the second half of our fiscal year, we
estimate that our net sales for fiscal 2008 will be 10 to 15 percent lower than
our fiscal 2007 net sales of $716 million," said Fortun. "Looking ahead, we are
focused on rebuilding our position in the 3.5-inch ATA segment, strengthening
our position in the 2.5-inch mobile segment and maintaining our market-leading
position in the enterprise segment."
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 04:51:00 PM
FormFactor (FORM) trying out a smaller size
FormFactor is terribly dependent on the memory market. Don't like these guys, think the accounting stinks, think they can't hold onto anyone who has to sign off on the financial documents, its a mess. I've discussed them before.
Last quarter they lowered revenue guidance to $75-80mm from a previous mean of $120mm. They missed the low end of their forecast by another 10mm and came in at 65mm. As if that weren't bad enough, business has subsequently dropped off a cliff and they're guiding the following quarter to 40-45mm if I heard them correctly and they're going to print big losses. So much for the book value will bail you out story. They're going to cut more heads and pray this is the trough. There is no guidance from them on an upturn of any kind. Last quarter they were saying this was a product transition and they'd recover from it in Q3. Sounds like thats off the table.
DRAM capacity additions aren't coming back any time soon and all the consolidation and shuttered capacity coming is going to reduce the market for their products going forward in addition to creating existing equipment overhang.
I still hate it.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 04:51:00 PM
Corning (GLW) beats the street, guides better
Corning beat the street on all operating metrics on strength in glass, telecom and earnings from Dow Corning. They're saying glass demand is at the high end of their expectations and they raise their capex to 1.8 - 2.0 bil from 1.5 - 1.7 bil. Interest income was lower but whose isn't?
Next quarter's guidance is above the street at 1.71 - 1.75 bil and eps of .47 - .50 and their commentary is that they see rising LCD panel demand in the notebook and digital television markets and no signs of inventory problems at customers.
I would expect the LCD environment continues to be friendly for the time being as there's an FCC mandate to switch off the analog television broadcast signals and a forced upgrade of the American public as a result. Also, they're purty. Do you expect people to watch their Grand Theft Auto IV strip show without a flat panel? What are you, an animal?
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 11:51:00 AM
Running a bit behind today, sorry
I've been walking my kid to school in the morning and today we spent 10 minutes on her white sandals not matching her pink outfit.
I really need to get a job.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 11:47:00 AM
Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) looks fine
Taiwan Semiconductor, useful as a bellwether proxy for the semi industry overall, met consensus expectations and guided slightly better. They expect video game platforms up, handsets flat and PCs down next quarter. TSM also elected to pull out of the stand-alone NAND manufacturing business but said they will still pursue embedded opportunities as customers demand NAND incorporated into their other designs. They expect wafer pricing to firm going forward.
No suggestion or position here in Taiwan Semi, just glancing at the overall demand environment through their lens.
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 11:24:00 AM
Earnings Estimate Cheat Sheet – April 30, May 1 & May 2, 2008
Estimated Reporting Date Symbol Revenue Estimate Current Q Operating Profit Estimate Current Q EPS Estimate Current Q EBITDA Estimate Current Q Revenue Estimate Next Q Sequential Revenue Growth Estimate, Percent Operating Profit Estimate Next Q EPS Estimate Next Q EBITDA Estimate Next Q Revenue Estimate Full Year Operating Profit Estimate Full Year EPS Estimate Full Year EBITDA Estimate Full Year Revenue Estimate Next Year Operating Profit Estimate Next Year EPS Estimate Next Year EBITDA Estimate Next Year 4/29/2008 SIMO 45.0 14.8 0.36 15.2 51.4 14.40% 17.8 0.43 18.2 229.1 81.6 2.00 83.2 278.1 98.0 2.45 99.6 4/30/2008 AKAM 188.2 66.8 0.39 85.3 197.2 4.77% 69.6 0.41 90.1 816.6 291.1 1.68 375.5 1,001.4 360.1 2.04 468.9 4/30/2008 ALU 6,054.8 (70.4) (0.02) -- 6,401.5 5.73% 180.5 0.05 -- 26,438.1 1,053.7 0.33 2,103.7 27,205.1 2,079.7 0.65 2,492.4 4/30/2008 AMKR 684.2 91.2 0.26 162.0 700.6 2.39% 96.4 0.28 165.0 2,856.7 410.5 1.17 691.8 3,081.6 458.5 1.36 734.2 4/30/2008 ATML 403.9 11.3 0.01 -- 416.1 3.02% 20.8 0.03 -- 1,705.3 103.6 0.16 -- 1,808.9 159.6 0.31 -- 4/30/2008 AXTI 17.7 1.4 0.04 -- 18.4 4.23% 1.7 0.04 -- 76.1 7.6 0.21 -- 88.8 10.2 0.28 -- 4/30/2008 CNQR 50.2 8.5 0.11 12.5 51.8 3.31% 9.4 0.12 13.6 206.1 36.5 0.47 52.9 254.4 50.0 0.66 68.5 4/30/2008 FISV 1,237.2 258.1 0.76 329.3 1,262.5 2.05% 278.8 0.83 344.5 5,114.0 1,125.0 3.41 1,384.1 5,470.3 1,223.0 4.07 1,516.1 4/30/2008 FORR 55.0 7.7 0.26 -- 63.3 15.06% 11.4 0.35 -- 244.0 42.7 1.32 -- -- -- -- -- 4/30/2008 FSLR 183.6 46.5 0.47 52.1 206.7 12.54% 51.1 0.50 53.7 954.9 275.2 2.53 328.6 1,711.2 566.1 5.12 670.3 4/30/2008 GRMN 712.9 176.8 0.75 192.3 1,024.9 43.77% 264.9 1.12 290.8 4,419.4 1,054.1 4.41 1,149.8 5,425.3 1,194.9 4.90 1,283.9 4/30/2008 INSP 35.9 (1.9) 0.02 3.0 35.4 -1.42% (2.6) 0.01 3.2 144.9 (5.5) 0.18 15.7 150.8 (1.9) 0.29 21.1 4/30/2008 ITRI 453.9 54.3 0.70 67.6 462.1 1.81% 58.1 0.78 71.0 1,885.9 241.1 3.36 292.6 2,122.3 292.0 4.43 342.5 4/30/2008 JDSU 393.6 23.9 0.13 40.6 405.4 2.98% 31.2 0.16 45.9 1,555.5 108.6 0.59 160.7 1,726.8 171.0 0.81 216.9 4/30/2008 KONA 18.9 (0.5) (0.07) 1.0 21.6 14.10% (0.3) (0.02) 1.6 87.6 (1.6) (0.17) 5.9 117.3 0.5 0.12 9.9 4/30/2008 MIPS 29.5 1.9 (0.01) 4.4 31.9 8.07% 5.8 0.09 7.8 110.1 11.6 0.10 19.0 137.1 29.5 0.47 33.6 4/30/2008 NEWP 111.8 4.4 0.08 -- 114.6 2.53% 6.4 0.14 -- 469.0 31.3 0.67 53.6 493.0 44.9 0.87 76.0 4/30/2008 OIIM 38.0 0.9 0.02 1.5 41.1 8.10% 5.3 0.10 6.5 175.8 25.4 0.51 29.5 198.7 34.8 0.75 39.4 4/30/2008 OMTR 68.7 5.4 0.09 11.9 73.8 7.33% 6.4 0.10 14.1 305.8 29.2 0.43 57.8 419.7 56.2 0.71 86.2 4/30/2008 PSEM 39.7 4.5 0.15 5.9 41.4 4.26% 5.0 0.16 6.6 160.5 18.6 0.63 24.2 182.5 24.6 0.80 31.3 4/30/2008 RNOW 31.8 (4.6) (0.10) (2.7) 33.2 4.57% (2.9) (0.05) (0.9) 137.8 (8.6) (0.13) (1.4) 168.8 5.1 0.23 14.1 4/30/2008 SFLY 35.6 (8.1) (0.15) (2.0) 39.8 11.63% (7.7) (0.15) (1.2) 252.0 15.2 0.44 40.9 321.2 23.9 0.61 55.3 4/30/2008 SLAB 95.1 19.0 0.36 -- 97.6 2.66% 19.7 0.37 -- 401.2 83.3 1.56 -- 449.7 99.4 1.86 -- 4/30/2008 SPIL 484.1 83.7 0.14 -- 514.5 6.27% 103.0 0.17 -- 2,168.8 444.2 0.75 -- 2,440.1 518.8 0.93 -- 4/30/2008 SYMC 1,530.3 413.1 0.34 -- 1,500.4 -1.95% 375.4 0.31 -- 5,919.9 1,553.4 1.25 1,818.9 6,261.9 1,638.7 1.36 2,003.5 4/30/2008 ULTI 43.4 5.3 0.13 7.4 44.6 2.79% 6.2 0.14 8.0 189.1 28.1 0.66 37.0 231.9 41.1 0.93 51.8 4/30/2008 UMC 749.6 (28.5) 0.01 -- 808.9 7.91% 10.0 0.02 -- 3,419.0 123.0 0.11 -- 3,767.5 218.5 0.21 -- 5/1/2008 ACS 1,545.3 173.8 0.87 267.8 1,624.2 5.11% 186.0 0.95 280.7 6,175.4 694.4 3.49 1,069.0 6,610.7 763.3 3.90 1,163.3 5/1/2008 AMCC 71.6 4.7 0.10 -- 73.2 2.29% 5.5 0.11 -- 246.1 -- (0.00) 12.3 307.2 31.1 0.57 51.3 5/1/2008 ANSS 105.2 43.5 0.33 48.4 108.6 3.25% 45.8 0.35 50.0 453.4 185.6 1.42 211.4 529.0 220.7 1.70 235.9 5/1/2008 AVNX 48.7 (2.0) (0.01) (1.5) 51.6 6.11% 0.0 0.00 0.3 207.0 1.2 0.01 3.7 229.4 13.2 0.07 13.2 5/1/2008 BBND 37.5 (3.6) (0.04) (2.5) 40.3 7.61% (2.6) (0.02) 0.1 170.5 (5.8) 0.01 4.5 201.2 14.7 0.27 15.1 5/1/2008 CAMD 14.7 (1.1) (0.02) -- 16.0 8.86% (0.9) 0.00 -- 58.2 -- (0.04) -- 68.5 (0.4) 0.07 -- 5/1/2008 CMCSA 8,163.5 1,464.4 0.19 3,075.5 8,481.1 3.89% 1,669.3 0.23 3,285.3 34,116.5 6,493.1 0.88 13,126.7 36,608.8 7,478.0 1.09 14,278.4 5/1/2008 CRUS 45.7 1.9 0.05 4.3 47.5 4.15% 2.8 0.06 6.2 182.7 10.2 0.25 17.8 209.3 20.2 0.37 31.4 5/1/2008 DMRC 28.6 (0.6) (0.01) 3.6 29.3 2.62% (0.1) 0.01 3.7 119.2 0.5 0.05 17.8 142.9 7.3 0.43 26.6 5/1/2008 DRIV 98.7 25.2 0.49 28.5 90.8 -7.98% 17.9 0.38 22.4 395.2 97.9 1.90 113.8 446.1 118.1 2.23 135.5 5/1/2008 EXPE 655.7 85.7 0.23 137.3 787.4 20.08% 174.7 0.40 219.6 3,047.0 623.0 1.44 811.7 3,404.8 711.1 1.67 904.2 5/1/2008 GTI 272.1 66.9 0.39 74.2 294.8 8.35% 79.8 0.47 87.8 1,146.8 295.8 1.74 326.6 1,251.6 329.5 2.02 363.1 5/1/2008 HIFN 12.0 (0.3) 0.00 -- 12.4 3.37% 0.5 0.06 -- 48.1 0.1 0.10 -- -- -- -- -- 5/1/2008 IDTI 175.2 33.2 0.20 73.0 179.5 2.41% 35.4 0.18 77.3 779.6 162.5 0.91 319.2 780.2 169.8 0.84 362.2 5/1/2008 IMMR 8.4 (2.4) (0.02) (2.0) 10.2 20.71% (1.6) 0.01 (0.6) 42.5 (6.0) 0.03 (2.2) 55.2 8.0 0.33 -- 5/1/2008 LAVA 57.1 10.2 0.16 20.0 56.5 -1.02% 8.5 0.14 -- 216.6 33.9 0.57 55.0 246.7 44.9 0.73 62.0 5/1/2008 LPSN 17.5 2.5 0.04 2.8 18.8 7.43% 2.9 0.05 3.1 78.5 13.0 0.22 13.3 102.2 20.7 0.32 23.1 5/1/2008 MNST 362.9 36.1 0.22 52.9 362.7 -0.07% 71.9 0.39 87.4 1,473.0 274.4 1.51 331.3 1,645.0 351.4 1.88 410.2 5/1/2008 MXIM 497.2 129.5 0.30 154.1 476.0 -4.26% 115.4 0.26 138.5 2,016.8 532.1 1.19 632.4 2,047.7 484.9 1.10 619.1 5/1/2008 NNDS 199.5 42.2 0.58 50.5 209.2 4.89% 46.9 0.64 56.8 827.3 195.7 2.68 232.9 929.2 228.5 3.12 264.7 5/1/2008 NTCT 61.5 0.1 0.06 -- 63.8 3.81% 5.2 0.11 10.3 179.2 23.3 0.42 -- 265.0 31.5 0.51 42.5 5/1/2008 NVTL 90.9 5.3 0.13 10.3 98.8 8.67% 6.6 0.16 12.5 431.7 36.3 0.78 54.3 499.8 50.1 0.95 67.0 5/1/2008 PCCC 418.0 6.4 0.14 -- 461.1 10.32% 10.5 0.23 -- 1,843.6 43.4 0.96 -- 1,964.7 48.7 1.05 -- 5/1/2008 PHTN 41.9 1.7 0.14 (0.3) 41.0 -2.03% 2.6 0.18 3.4 143.7 3.5 0.38 1.5 144.5 6.4 0.73 14.7 5/1/2008 QLGC 149.6 47.0 0.26 -- 150.4 0.58% 47.2 0.26 -- 587.7 182.7 0.97 222.5 625.8 193.3 1.06 235.8 5/1/2008 RMKR 17.2 (2.0) (0.06) (0.2) 16.0 -7.08% (2.5) (0.09) 0.3 69.4 (7.7) (0.22) 1.3 85.9 (1.4) 0.07 8.5 5/1/2008 RVSN 19.9 (3.1) (0.10) (2.2) 21.3 6.64% (2.5) (0.06) (0.9) 90.1 (7.1) (0.10) (0.9) 103.4 (0.7) 0.25 10.3 5/1/2008 SCOR 26.1 2.9 0.11 5.3 27.4 5.02% 3.4 0.13 6.1 113.2 14.9 0.53 26.1 141.5 25.0 0.74 37.1 5/1/2008 SCUR 66.1 7.2 0.07 9.2 69.7 5.52% 9.0 0.09 11.3 287.8 40.0 0.42 45.9 324.4 55.5 0.61 60.2 5/1/2008 SONE 51.4 4.3 0.07 8.0 55.2 7.38% 6.0 0.10 8.7 218.7 24.6 0.39 35.9 236.8 35.6 0.38 47.7 5/1/2008 TMWD 15.1 (0.5) 0.01 -- 14.9 -1.33% (0.4) 0.00 -- 61.8 (0.1) 0.03 -- 71.9 4.5 0.11 -- 5/1/2008 TSRA 56.1 13.6 0.13 14.6 54.4 -3.11% 15.0 0.17 17.6 228.2 68.0 0.87 75.4 267.9 108.8 1.42 110.6 5/1/2008 WBSN 84.5 24.1 0.30 27.0 83.1 -1.55% 24.2 0.31 25.8 334.5 97.2 1.23 108.1 353.9 107.3 1.40 120.9 5/2/2008 AMT 373.2 108.0 0.08 241.3 383.4 2.74% 121.0 0.09 259.5 1,448.0 390.3 0.29 949.3 1,577.2 519.9 0.41 1,072.7 5/5/2008 BKHM 61.5 (2.9) (0.02) 0.8 62.5 1.67% (2.6) (0.02) 1.4 233.3 (19.5) (0.19) (0.5) 268.3 1.4 0.00 15.4 5/5/2008 IACI 1,530.0 75.1 0.30 169.6 1,577.5 3.10% 85.0 0.33 182.6 6,713.9 499.2 1.62 878.4 6,982.3 548.7 1.81 966.9
Posted by
Roy Howard
4/29/2008 10:46:00 AM
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- ► 05/31 - 06/07 (1)
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- ► 05/03 - 05/10 (5)
- ► 04/26 - 05/03 (6)
- ► 04/19 - 04/26 (22)
- ► 04/12 - 04/19 (10)
- ► 04/05 - 04/12 (6)
- ► 03/29 - 04/05 (9)
- ► 03/22 - 03/29 (9)
- ► 03/15 - 03/22 (10)
- ► 03/08 - 03/15 (12)
- ► 03/01 - 03/08 (9)
- ► 02/22 - 03/01 (9)
- ► 02/15 - 02/22 (13)
- ► 02/08 - 02/15 (15)
- ► 02/01 - 02/08 (15)
- ► 01/25 - 02/01 (21)
- ► 01/18 - 01/25 (16)
- ► 01/11 - 01/18 (17)
- ► 01/04 - 01/11 (20)
- ► 12/28 - 01/04 (4)
- ► 12/21 - 12/28 (4)
- ► 12/14 - 12/21 (4)
- ► 12/07 - 12/14 (9)
- ► 11/30 - 12/07 (8)
- ► 11/23 - 11/30 (10)
- ► 11/16 - 11/23 (9)
- ► 11/09 - 11/16 (12)
- ► 11/02 - 11/09 (6)
- ► 10/26 - 11/02 (5)
- ► 10/19 - 10/26 (12)
- ► 10/12 - 10/19 (5)
- ► 10/05 - 10/12 (2)
- ► 09/28 - 10/05 (7)
- ► 09/21 - 09/28 (2)
- ► 09/14 - 09/21 (10)
- ► 08/24 - 08/31 (2)
- ► 08/10 - 08/17 (6)
- ► 08/03 - 08/10 (8)
- ► 07/27 - 08/03 (3)
- ► 07/20 - 07/27 (6)
- ► 07/13 - 07/20 (9)
- ► 07/06 - 07/13 (12)
- ► 06/29 - 07/06 (6)
- ► 06/22 - 06/29 (11)
- ► 06/15 - 06/22 (7)
- ► 06/08 - 06/15 (14)
- ► 06/01 - 06/08 (9)
- ► 05/25 - 06/01 (12)
- ► 05/18 - 05/25 (10)
- ► 05/11 - 05/18 (7)
- ► 05/04 - 05/11 (15)
04/27 - 05/04
- Microsoft (MSFT) abandons takeover of Yahoo (YHOO)
- Apple (AAPL) to buy Adobe (ADBE)?
- NAND contract probably goes up again
- Sox chop ahead?
- Digital River (DRIV) 1Q:2008 results
- Photon Dynamics (PHTN) 2Q:2008 results
- The Razrberry finally sees light of day
- Rackable (RACK) insider buys
- Akamai (AKAM) 1Q:2008 results
- Grand Theft Auto IV sells out on xbox at Amazon?
- Fortune mag says AT&T to do $200 iPhone subsidy
- Sierra Wireless (SWIR) 1Q:2008 results
- Flextronics (FLEX) 4Q:2008 results
- Hutchinson (HTCH) a mess
- FormFactor (FORM) trying out a smaller size
- Corning (GLW) beats the street, guides better
- Running a bit behind today, sorry
- Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) looks fine
- Earnings Estimate Cheat Sheet – April 30, May 1 & ...
- Nvidia (NVDA) loses some market share
- Earnings Estimate Cheat Sheet – April 28 & April 2...
- SMIC pulls out, iSuppli upgrades DRAM
- ► 04/20 - 04/27 (34)
- ► 04/13 - 04/20 (32)
- ► 04/06 - 04/13 (13)
- ► 03/30 - 04/06 (8)
- ► 03/23 - 03/30 (10)
- ► 03/16 - 03/23 (13)
- ► 03/09 - 03/16 (11)
- ► 03/02 - 03/09 (30)
- ► 02/24 - 03/02 (14)
- ► 02/17 - 02/24 (10)
- ► 02/10 - 02/17 (17)
- ► 02/03 - 02/10 (21)
- ► 01/27 - 02/03 (21)
- ► 01/20 - 01/27 (24)
- ► 01/13 - 01/20 (7)